
Date: 25 August 2011

Venue: in front of Gramada municipality  
Zolder, Belgium

Date: 03 September 2011

Venue: Circuit Zolder  

Date: 09 September 2011

Venue: in front of Ministry of Health
Just say it!

Responsible Young Drivers - The Netherlands

Making young people aware of the importance of talking/discussing with your partner/friends in risky situations, such as driving back home as passenger with an impaired driver, or having sex without condom and not daring to frankly talk about it with the concerned person, because afraid of consequences. The aim is not to change behavior, but to change attitudes regarding the intimacy between friends and partners.

Responsible Young Drivers Nederland will launch a new awareness campaign on postcards, leaflets and posters to be spread during awareness actions, stands, in schools, universities, bars, festivals, and other recreational settings… The campaign will be mixing the topics of Aids and Road Safety, highlighting the fact that youngsters often remain silent when it comes to discuss about sex protection, drugs and alcohol consumption before driving, seatbelt use, having sex, taking drugs, driving with a drunk friend, etc, which are all often linked together. The visual will be developed on the concept of “the impossibility to talk”, feeling like a prisoner of our own bashfulness. The communication toward it will be to train all RYD and HEROES new volunteers/students to push their peers to talk about it, while being on the field or during their everyday life.    
It is an original awareness campaign based on the fact that a lot of people do not dare to talk about “taboo” subjects, above all when alcohol and drugs are involved. E.g. they do not talk enough about sex within their relationship, they won’t  tell the driver that he might have drunken a bit too much to be able to drive, etc.... Posters and boomerang cards will be created and distributed on awareness fields actions…The originality of this campaign material is to present youngsters with a black rectangle on their mouth such as the one used in movies to hide the body parts that cannot be seen by the general audience. Different slogans will be used to put the message across.

For the campaign you need: awareness stand (to install next to a common awareness event such as in schools, festivals, nightclubs, parties, Universities, etc…); 5.000 Postcards; 500 Posters; HEROES informative material (1.000 maps, 2000 leaflets); uniform for the volunteers/students (pull-over or t-shirt); awareness support material on the topics (Aids, alcohol/drugs & Road Safety)

Come and take it

Avenir Santé - France

The objective of the project is to reduce, among youngsters in recreational settings, drug consumptions which can also have bad consequences on driving capacities.

Heroes Campus Tour

Responsible Young Drivers – Belgium

The Heroes Campus Tour is an awareness campaign on drugs and road safety organized in universities in order to reach all students.

Road of illusions

Road Safety Institute „Panos Mylonas” – Greece


- To convince, mainly young people, to drive safely without being under the influence of alcohol
- To inform the participants about the results of hyper-consumption of alcohol when they are driving and not only
- To change the mentality of drink and driving

Drive responsibly

Open Youth - Bulgaria


-    to reduce the road accidents, caused by young people;
-    to improve the driving habits of the young drivers;
-    to reach directly a large number of young people through positive peer-to-peer communication and attractive tools.

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