
Date: 25 August 2011

Venue: in front of Gramada municipality  
Zolder, Belgium

Date: 03 September 2011

Venue: Circuit Zolder  

Date: 09 September 2011

Venue: in front of Ministry of Health
Come and take it

Avenir Santé - France

The objective of the project is to reduce, among youngsters in recreational settings, drug consumptions which can also have bad consequences on driving capacities.

The aim of the project is to intriguing youngsters at the entrance of the clubs with something (paper, powder, white substance, glass of liquid... something they can recognize or not) which is given to us by young people who are dressed as regular partygoers.
Inside the club, a stand of volunteers who inform revelers about the links between drugs consumption and road accidents. Towards the youngsters who come to the stand with the object given before they entered the club, the objective of the volunteers will be to convince them not to accept and to consume products that they do not know, which can have important consequences on road accidents. The discussions may also happen between party-clubbers.

For the campaign you need: Stand with information, 1 alcovision goggles, paper or powder or white substance or glass of liquid to be given at the entrance of the clubs, computer to test the reflexes of young drivers, posters of road accidents campaigns linked to the consumption of products.


Drive responsibly

Open Youth - Bulgaria


-    to reduce the road accidents, caused by young people;
-    to improve the driving habits of the young drivers;
-    to reach directly a large number of young people through positive peer-to-peer communication and attractive tools.


University of Nicosia - Cyprus


•    The Respect campaign aims to raise awareness that respectful driving behaviour and respecting our alcohol intake confers several advantages:
o    Drivers become less stressful as polite and respectful driving behaviour leads to a reduction in stress. Similarly, reducing one’s intakes of alcohol also reduces stress on our internal organs
o    Respectful driving behaviour leads to a reduction in road rage as aggression on the road decreases. Regulating the amount of alcohol one drinks can also reduce aggressive and anti-social behaviour
•    Ultimately, the main objective is to communicate that respectful behaviour saves lives and promotes health.

The Respect campaign aims to raise awareness that respectful behaviour can save lives. This is achieved across two domains:
- Respect towards other drivers through more polite and less aggressive driving behaviour
- Respect towards our bodies by limiting the intake of alcohol
The Respect campaign will take place in Nicosia backed by the Cyprus Government and promoted across the capital through television and newspaper announcements. Volunteers will be placed at busy crossroads around the capital and their task is to distribute a folder containing the following:
- Details outlining the Respect Campaign and why it is important
- Health and environmental benefits associated with respectful behaviour
- Questionnaire to be completed by the driver that measures:
•    Current level of polite and respectful driving behaviour
•    Current alcohol consumption


For the campaign you need: t-shirts; posters; folder containing: details outlining the Respect Campaign & leaflet containing information on the benefits of respectful driving behaviour; leaflet containing information on the benefits of decreasing alcohol consumption; questionnaire to determine level of respectful behaviour in respondent and to highlight areas where improvements can be made.


Heroes Campus Tour

Responsible Young Drivers – Belgium

The Heroes Campus Tour is an awareness campaign on drugs and road safety organized in universities in order to reach all students.

Just say it!

Responsible Young Drivers - The Netherlands

Making young people aware of the importance of talking/discussing with your partner/friends in risky situations, such as driving back home as passenger with an impaired driver, or having sex without condom and not daring to frankly talk about it with the concerned person, because afraid of consequences. The aim is not to change behavior, but to change attitudes regarding the intimacy between friends and partners. | | |