
Date: 25 August 2011

Venue: in front of Gramada municipality  
Zolder, Belgium

Date: 03 September 2011

Venue: Circuit Zolder  

Date: 09 September 2011

Venue: in front of Ministry of Health

Responsible Young Drivers - Luxembourg


- Develop the sense of responsibility regarding risky behaviors 
- Increase the awareness regarding the use of  prevention tools
- Encourage indirect actors to sensitize their friends, lovers… to take up a responsible attitude on the road as in their relationship.

AIDS: This action will explain the importance of using a condom and how to wear it correctly . In heterosexual or homosexual relationships, it is important to choose a responsible partner. Wearing a condom is not just the problem of the holder. To stay alive both partners have to be responsible. We will give condom to young people, explain them how to wear it correctly and offer them the possibility to write a postcard for a friend, a lover,...any person they want to sensitize on that topic.
Road Safety: This action will focus on the importance of a responsible behavior on the road. The originality of this action is to target the passengers instead of the drivers. The passengers have an important role in the car, they can easily influence the driver behavior. We would give weapons to passengers to stay alive on the road. Examples : reasons to wear the seat belt, do not seat in a car if the driver is under any influence, …
To control the sobriety of the driver, we will use an “Alcoborne”, a public alcohol breath tester.

For the campaign you need: stand, condoms, posters, postcards, informative leaflets and the “Alcoborne”.



Responsible Young Drivers - Luxembourg


- Develop the sense of responsibility regarding risky behaviors 
- Increase the awareness regarding the use of  prevention tools
- Encourage indirect actors to sensitize their friends, lovers… to take up a responsible attitude on the road as in their relationship.


VAD – Belgium

Partypeers objectives are:

- Informing and sensitizing about the effects and risks of alcohol and illegal drugs use in recreational settings.
- Informing and sensitizing about the effects and risks of alcohol, illegal drugs use and tiredness on driving skills.
- Informing about the legal aspects of driving under influence of alcohol and illegal drugs.
- Drivers take a break (pit stop) on their way home.

Road of illusions

Road Safety Institute „Panos Mylonas” – Greece


- To convince, mainly young people, to drive safely without being under the influence of alcohol
- To inform the participants about the results of hyper-consumption of alcohol when they are driving and not only
- To change the mentality of drink and driving

Safe Valentine

SPI Forschung gGmbH – Germany


- Informing about the incompability of alcohol and drugs while driving a vehicle
- General information about HIV/AIDS
- Informing about the dangers of unsafe sex
- Make free condoms available for everyone, who is interested in this action

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