Drive responsibly |
Open Youth - Bulgaria
- to reduce the road accidents, caused by young people; The “Drive responsible” campaign uses cutting edge technology to pass positive messages to the young people, which can help them save their lives in critical situations on the road. More importantly it helps them not to cause such situations and to prevent them to the best possible extent. To this road safety aspect we added the mobile phone application from the “Pink elephant” campaign which will enable us to enter a new field of preventive work which is widely popular among the young people – mobile phones. The application is free to download from our website vention domain. It was still providing free-of-charge opportunities for young people to experience real driving situations on the road, coming from risky driving or driving under influence, but it also focused more on the impact of alcohol on their ability to drive. The road safety aspect was still backed by high-tech driving simulators. In unison with that the alcohol abuse prevention was backed by an J2ME application, developed for mobile phones. By using it the young people are able to approximate the level of alcohol in their blood by entering simple data such as gender, weight, quantity and kind of used alcohol. Using the application is a powerful self-prevention tool.
- Partypeers
VAD – Belgium
Partypeers objectives are:
- Informing and sensitizing about the effects and risks of alcohol and illegal drugs use in recreational settings.
- Informing and sensitizing about the effects and risks of alcohol, illegal drugs use and tiredness on driving skills.
- Informing about the legal aspects of driving under influence of alcohol and illegal drugs.
- Drivers take a break (pit stop) on their way home. - Come and take it
Avenir Santé - France
The objective of the project is to reduce, among youngsters in recreational settings, drug consumptions which can also have bad consequences on driving capacities.
- Safe Valentine
SPI Forschung gGmbH – Germany
- Informing about the incompability of alcohol and drugs while driving a vehicle
- General information about HIV/AIDS
- Informing about the dangers of unsafe sex
- Make free condoms available for everyone, who is interested in this action - Road of illusions
Road Safety Institute „Panos Mylonas” – Greece
- To convince, mainly young people, to drive safely without being under the influence of alcohol
- To inform the participants about the results of hyper-consumption of alcohol when they are driving and not only
- To change the mentality of drink and driving