How to become a volunteer? |
There are several ways to become a volunteer. For example: Volunteering with children Teaching children is one of the areas where volunteers can help in providing assistance and support to local youth clubs, or to spend time working with children with special needs.
Volunteering for community development This can be in support of a community center or a youth club in your area to help in the development of the community by building homes for people in need. Voluntary teaching Local, national or even international teachers are always needed, whether helping at primary or secondary level. Volunteering in environmental protection Support campaigns for environmental protection. Volunteering in sport This may include coaching activities and any activity in sports administration or judging.
Volunteering with a European dimension and European Voluntary Service (EVS) A way to learn more about these and other specific forms of volunteering and how to participate in them is the European Voluntary Service. The last is part of the "Youth in Action” program and it provides opportunity for young Europeans to make a real difference in the world and their own lives. EVS covers a wide range of areas such as culture, youth, sports, social care, cultural heritage, arts, civil protection, environment, development cooperation, etc. EVS gives the European youth a unique chance to express their personal commitment through unpaid full time volunteering in a foreign country within or outside the EU. It was established to develop solidarity, mutual understanding and tolerance among young people, contributing to the strengthening of social cohesion in the European Union and to promote active citizenship of young people. EVS is open to Volunteers are selected without discrimination on ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, political views, etc.. Prior qualifications, educational level, specific experience or more than basic language knowledge should not be required. More specific profile of a volunteer can be drawn if it is justified by the nature of volunteering tasks or project context but even in this case selection on the basis of professional or educational qualifications is excluded. The first step is to find what projects are proposed in the country or activity that interests you. Participation is free for volunteers (except for a possible contribution of up to 10% of travel costs). The program ensures food, pocket money, accommodation, insurance and training for the duration of the project. Special conditions apply to promote the participation of young people with disabilities. For example, they may participate at the age of 16. Detailed information can be found in the Guide for "Youth in Action 2007 - 2013" applicants or at the program site -service_en.htm and the site of the National Centre "European Youth Programmes and Initiatives" YOUTH |
- Alive
Responsible Young Drivers - Luxembourg
- Develop the sense of responsibility regarding risky behaviors
- Increase the awareness regarding the use of prevention tools
- Encourage indirect actors to sensitize their friends, lovers… to take up a responsible attitude on the road as in their relationship. - Heroes Campus Tour
Responsible Young Drivers – Belgium
The Heroes Ca
mpus Tour is an awareness campaign on drugs and road safety organized in universities in order to reach all students.
- Respect
University of Nicosia - Cyprus
• The Respect campaign aims to raise awareness that respectful driving behaviour and respecting our alcohol intake confers several advantages:
o Drivers become less stressful as polite and respectful driving behaviour leads to a reduction in stress. Similarly, reducing one’s intakes of alcohol also reduces stress on our internal organs
o Respectful driving behaviour leads to a reduction in road rage as aggression on the road decreases. Regulating the amount of alcohol one drinks can also reduce aggressive and anti-social behaviour
• Ultimately, the main objective is to communicate that respectful behaviour saves lives and promotes health.
The Respect campaign aims to raise awareness that respectful behaviour can save lives. This is achieved across two domains:
- Respect towards other drivers through more polite and less aggressive driving behaviour
- Respect towards our bodies by limiting the intake of alcohol
The Respect campaign will take place in Nicosia backed by the Cyprus Government and promoted across the capital through television and newspaper announcements. Volunteers will be placed at busy crossroads around the capital and their task is to distribute a folder containing the following:
- Details outlining the Respect Campaign and why it is important
- Health and environmental benefits associated with respectful behaviour
- Questionnaire to be completed by the driver that measures:
• Current level of polite and respectful driving behaviour
• Current alcohol consumptionFor the campaign you need: t-shirts; posters; folder containing: details outlining the Respect Campaign & leaflet containing information on the benefits of respectful driving behaviour; leaflet containing information on the benefits of decreasing alcohol consumption; questionnaire to determine level of respectful behaviour in respondent and to highlight areas where improvements can be made.
- Condom Race, sensitizing about the effects of alcohol
- Sensitizing about the effects of alcohol on driving skills.
- Sensitizing about the effects of alcohol on condom use.
- Make free condoms available to everyone who wants.