
Date: 25 August 2011

Venue: in front of Gramada municipality  
Zolder, Belgium

Date: 03 September 2011

Venue: Circuit Zolder  

Date: 09 September 2011

Venue: in front of Ministry of Health
Fatal reflections

Fatal Reflections® is a computer-simulated situation of accident, resulting from alcohol abuse.
Young people tend to believe that tragedies due to alcohol and other drug impairment only happen to other people. Fatal Reflections® generates a personalized multimedia presentation in news story format featuring your students. Take digital pictures of participants and assign them roles in a motor vehicle crash or party scene. Fatal Reflections® creates a fast-paced, custom news story that describes an incident involving alcohol and places your students in the middle of the situation. Engage your audience in a meaningful discussion about the very real consequences of alcohol misuse and abuse. Influencing your audience to consider alternative choices to alcohol misuse and abuse begins with engaging them in meaningful discussion about personal responsibility and the consequences of choice.


Responsible Young Drivers - Luxembourg


- Develop the sense of responsibility regarding risky behaviors 
- Increase the awareness regarding the use of  prevention tools
- Encourage indirect actors to sensitize their friends, lovers… to take up a responsible attitude on the road as in their relationship.

Just say it!

Responsible Young Drivers - The Netherlands

Making young people aware of the importance of talking/discussing with your partner/friends in risky situations, such as driving back home as passenger with an impaired driver, or having sex without condom and not daring to frankly talk about it with the concerned person, because afraid of consequences. The aim is not to change behavior, but to change attitudes regarding the intimacy between friends and partners.

Drive responsibly

Open Youth - Bulgaria


-    to reduce the road accidents, caused by young people;
-    to improve the driving habits of the young drivers;
-    to reach directly a large number of young people through positive peer-to-peer communication and attractive tools.

Heroes Campus Tour

Responsible Young Drivers – Belgium

The Heroes Campus Tour is an awareness campaign on drugs and road safety organized in universities in order to reach all students. | | |