Respect |
Page 1 of 2 University of Nicosia - Cyprus
• The Respect campaign aims to raise awareness that respectful driving behaviour and respecting our alcohol intake confers several advantages:
- Alive
Responsible Young Drivers - Luxembourg
- Develop the sense of responsibility regarding risky behaviors
- Increase the awareness regarding the use of prevention tools
- Encourage indirect actors to sensitize their friends, lovers… to take up a responsible attitude on the road as in their relationship. - Road of illusions
Road Safety Institute „Panos Mylonas” – Greece
- To convince, mainly young people, to drive safely without being under the influence of alcohol
- To inform the participants about the results of hyper-consumption of alcohol when they are driving and not only
- To change the mentality of drink and driving - Head thinking makes the difference
GARE - Portugal
We believe that this action will be a multidimensional approach of health care.
The interest/objective of this action is to coordinate many health topics and to educate young people.
The action aims to sensitize the youngsters on important topics of road safety and VIH, to tackle the problem of risky behaviors among 12- 30 years. - Eight giant steps for health promotion
The campaign is a multi dimensional approach of health care. The health is a global topic and its education and danger awareness take a lot of figures. The interest in this Tour is to coordinate many health topics and to educate young people in one plenty day.
The action aims to sensitize the youngsters on important topics of health, to tackle the problem of risky behaviors among 16-29 years, to reduce the prevalence of not suitable health conducts.