
Date: 25 August 2011

Venue: in front of Gramada municipality  
Zolder, Belgium

Date: 03 September 2011

Venue: Circuit Zolder  

Date: 09 September 2011

Venue: in front of Ministry of Health

The aim of the project “Volunteer! …through road safety.” is to test an approach, to study the advantages and disadvantages and to develop a European model of making an informed choice on whether to organize a one time volunteer action or a full scale volunteer campaign, given different circumstances and desired effect, built on peer-to-peer communication and promoting civic participation. The project will address not only the question “What is it to be a volunteer?” but it will give concrete answers on the more important ones: “Why to be a volunteer?” and “How to be a volunteer?”. The specific objectives are:

  • existing knowledge dissemination: The project partners’ experience will be used to:
    • develop and use modern technologies for attracting the young people’s attention and focusing it to volunteer activities with large social impact, i.e. we will develop special web space for the project, short cartoon movies and we will use driving console and alcogoggles;
    • train 120 volunteer youth leaders in 12 trainings as multipliers in carrying out successful people-to-people actions;
    • involve directly 1800 citizens in the twelve local field actions, organized by the volunteer youth leaders and to reach at least 18 000 more through the paper materials distributed during them, 50 000 people through the website and 50 000 reached through media;
  • knowledge generation: During the project we will organize a one time action in Bulgaria and another one in Belgium to test the transnational viability of the approach. Those will be evaluated separately. The one time event in Bulgaria will serve as a pilot action for a full scale ten actions campaign to be carried out later in the project. TOP-25 as an independent project evaluator will develop a method to assess the advantages and disadvantages of organizing either a one time volunteer action or a full scale campaign. This will include study visits during the field actions, questionnaires for the volunteers and for the participants and evaluation of the results – both qualitative and quantitative. All findings will serve as basis for producing an evaluation report and a multimedia presentation.
  • new knowledge dissemination: Based on the findings TOP-25, together with the project partners, will develop and disseminate recommendations to their international network, describing the advantages and disadvantages of organizing either a one time volunteer action or a full scale campaign, and what is best in different circumstances for organizations with different capacity. Furthermore the multimedia presentation will be given during the next European Youth Forum for Road Safety, organized by the European Commission, and to other similar events, focused on organizing volunteer activities.

In the framework of this project "Open Youth" and the Ministry of Health organized the campaign "Choose your way" which is focused at the alcohol abuse and subsequent driving as an example not only of a volunteer campaign but also of a successful cooperation between the civil society and the state institutions.

Condom Race, sensitizing about the effects of alcohol



-    Sensitizing about the effects of alcohol on driving skills.
-    Sensitizing about the effects of alcohol on condom use.
-    Make free condoms available to everyone who wants.

Drive responsibly

Open Youth - Bulgaria


-    to reduce the road accidents, caused by young people;
-    to improve the driving habits of the young drivers;
-    to reach directly a large number of young people through positive peer-to-peer communication and attractive tools.


University of Nicosia - Cyprus


•    The Respect campaign aims to raise awareness that respectful driving behaviour and respecting our alcohol intake confers several advantages:
o    Drivers become less stressful as polite and respectful driving behaviour leads to a reduction in stress. Similarly, reducing one’s intakes of alcohol also reduces stress on our internal organs
o    Respectful driving behaviour leads to a reduction in road rage as aggression on the road decreases. Regulating the amount of alcohol one drinks can also reduce aggressive and anti-social behaviour
•    Ultimately, the main objective is to communicate that respectful behaviour saves lives and promotes health.

The Respect campaign aims to raise awareness that respectful behaviour can save lives. This is achieved across two domains:
- Respect towards other drivers through more polite and less aggressive driving behaviour
- Respect towards our bodies by limiting the intake of alcohol
The Respect campaign will take place in Nicosia backed by the Cyprus Government and promoted across the capital through television and newspaper announcements. Volunteers will be placed at busy crossroads around the capital and their task is to distribute a folder containing the following:
- Details outlining the Respect Campaign and why it is important
- Health and environmental benefits associated with respectful behaviour
- Questionnaire to be completed by the driver that measures:
•    Current level of polite and respectful driving behaviour
•    Current alcohol consumption


For the campaign you need: t-shirts; posters; folder containing: details outlining the Respect Campaign & leaflet containing information on the benefits of respectful driving behaviour; leaflet containing information on the benefits of decreasing alcohol consumption; questionnaire to determine level of respectful behaviour in respondent and to highlight areas where improvements can be made.


Just say it!

Responsible Young Drivers - The Netherlands

Making young people aware of the importance of talking/discussing with your partner/friends in risky situations, such as driving back home as passenger with an impaired driver, or having sex without condom and not daring to frankly talk about it with the concerned person, because afraid of consequences. The aim is not to change behavior, but to change attitudes regarding the intimacy between friends and partners.

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