
Date: 25 August 2011

Venue: in front of Gramada municipality  
Zolder, Belgium

Date: 03 September 2011

Venue: Circuit Zolder  

Date: 09 September 2011

Venue: in front of Ministry of Health
Questions and answers
How to become a volunteer?

There are several ways to become a volunteer. For example:

Volunteering with children

Teaching children is one of the areas where volunteers can help in providing assistance and support to local youth clubs, or to spend time working with children with special needs.

Why to be a volunteer?

The main two reasons why a person would become a volunteer are:

  • social (public) - ideological, ethical and moral, taht go to work-related needs and concerns of others, one wants to do something good for the society in order to change certain situations and to transform the world in a positive direction.
  • personal reasons - to feel useful, to experience new adventures, to develop as a person, to build new relationships and to work with ones peers.
What does it mean to be a volunteer?

A volunteer is someone who has the ability and willingness to work in service to others and to create, to be empathetic to human pain, has strong moral values, skills, is teamworker and socially responsible. Volunteers should have leadership qualities, be able to maintain good relationships with people, be disciplined, be able to communicate and take care of themselves and others.


Safe Valentine

SPI Forschung gGmbH – Germany


- Informing about the incompability of alcohol and drugs while driving a vehicle
- General information about HIV/AIDS
- Informing about the dangers of unsafe sex
- Make free condoms available for everyone, who is interested in this action


VAD – Belgium

Partypeers objectives are:

- Informing and sensitizing about the effects and risks of alcohol and illegal drugs use in recreational settings.
- Informing and sensitizing about the effects and risks of alcohol, illegal drugs use and tiredness on driving skills.
- Informing about the legal aspects of driving under influence of alcohol and illegal drugs.
- Drivers take a break (pit stop) on their way home.

Eight giant steps for health promotion


The campaign is a multi dimensional approach of health care. The health is a global topic and its education and danger awareness take a lot of figures. The interest in this Tour is to coordinate many health topics and to educate young people in one plenty day.
The action aims to sensitize the youngsters on important topics of health, to tackle the problem of risky behaviors among 16-29 years, to reduce the prevalence of not suitable health conducts.

Head thinking makes the difference

GARE - Portugal

We believe that this action will be a multidimensional approach of health care.
The interest/objective of this action is to coordinate many health topics and to educate young people.
The action aims to sensitize the youngsters on important topics of road safety and VIH, to tackle the problem of risky behaviors among 12- 30 years. | | |